The First Forty Days: How to Support a New Mom

In many cultures, the first six weeks following birth is a key period of healing, resting, and bonding with baby. New mothers (and fathers) are supported by their ‘village’, whether that’s family, friends, doulas, a church group or even an online community of mothers.


Seven of my Favourite Items for Pregnancy

Today is my due date! However, no signs of baby coming any time soon. So I thought I’d write up perhaps my LAST pregnancy post! Reflecting back on these past nine months, I’ve come up with a list of some items that I loved and helped me stay comfortable.


Five Baby Shower Ideas for the Food & Drink Lover

Food and drink is increasingly becoming the centre of our lives. As someone who lives in one of the most diverse, cosmopolitan cities in the world, it didn’t take long for me to develop a pallet and appreciation for an array of flavours.